Policy / Public Events
Indicator Phrasing
English: number of planned policy / public events delivered
French: nombre d'événements politiques / publics prévus et réalisés
Spanish: número de actos públicos y políticos programados
Portuguese: número de eventos públicos / políticos planeados realizados
Czech: počet realizovaných advokačních akcí
What is its purpose?
This indicator reports on the number of policy or public events delivered to achieve the advocacy objectives. The events can range from discreet meetings with decision-makers (e.g. a roundtable on a given topic) to the mass mobilisation of the general public to influence a political stance (e.g. a public protest).
How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data
To determine the indicator’s value, define what can be counted as a “policy / public event” and then use key informant interviews and reviews of available resources (e.g. reports) to count how many such events were organised.
Important Comments
1) In addition to reporting on the number of events, take care to provide qualitative information on the participants, the key topics discussed, any immediate outcomes, etc.