Participatory Budgeting
Indicator Phrasing
English: financial volume of spending priorities identified through participatory processes and included in the target municipalities’ budgets
French: volume financier des priorités de dépenses identifiées par les processus participatifs et incluses dans les budgets des municipalités cibles
Spanish: volumen financiero de las prioridades de gasto identificadas mediante procesos participativos e incluidas en los presupuestos de los municipios objetivo
Portuguese: volume financeiro de prioridades da despesa identificadas por meio de processos participativos e incluídas nos orçamentos dos municípios-alvo
Czech: finanční objem rozpočtových priorit identifikovaných skrze participativní procesy a zahrnutých do rozpočtů cílových samospráv
What is its purpose?
The indicator assesses the extent to which the local authorities’ budgeting reflects the needs identified by the local civil society representatives (formal and informal).
How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data
Use review of relevant documents and key informant interviews (with the authorities, local citizens engaged in the participatory budget planning, CSO representatives, etc.) to collect and analyze the following data:
1) List all priorities which, in a given time period, were proposed by the local citizens, accepted by the local authorities for financial support and included in their budgets.
2) Assess the financial volume of priorities identified through participatory processes.
3) Assess the authorities’ total budget for the same reference period.
4) To calculate the indicator’s value, divide the total financial volume of spending priorities identified through participatory processes and included in municipalities’ budgets by the municipalities’ total budgets. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.